MeRT Explained: Common Questions and Answers
Will MeRT treatment be less effective if I do not get morning light?
Treatment is most effective when you have sufficient, good quality sleep. If your lack of blue light
exposure in the morning results in poor quality sleep, then you may not respond to treatment as well
as someone with good quality sleep. As such, we advise regular morning exposure to blue light.
What is MeRT treatment and how does it work?
MeRT stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy. MeRT treatment combines technologies of
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS, an FDA cleared therapy), Quantitative
Electroencephalogram (qEEG), and Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) to deliver treatments tailored for
each individual’s unique brain pattern.
The patient’s EEG and ECG are analyzed to ascertain the brain’s pattern of function, detect any
possible abnormalities, and determine its state of optimal neural synchronization. The resulting
information is used to develop a personalized treatment protocol for each patient, aimed at restoring
the brain to its optimal state. This can lead to significant clinical improvements.
How is MeRT treatment different from rTMS?
MeRT treatment individualizes the treatment frequency and location based on each
patient’s Quantitative EEG and ECG. This results in a “custom-fit” MeRT treatment protocol as
opposed to the “one-size-fits-all” approach of rTMS.
Common benefits of functional recovery include:
● Increased sleep quality
● Increased sleep duration
● Increased attention span
● Increased sociability
● Increased motivation
● Increased concentration and focus
● Increased emotional stability
● Increased ability to adapt to change
● Improvements in clarity of thought
● Improvements in mood’
● Reduction of anxiety
● Reduction of pain
Definition of Terms:
● rTMS - Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: a non-invasive therapy that utilizes
pulsed magnetic fields to change neural activity.
● EEG - Electroencephalogram: a non-invasive procedure that records the electrical activity of
the brain.
● ECG - Electrocardiogram (also known as EKG): a non-invasive procedure that records the
electrical activity of the heart.
Do I get the benefit of blue light if I drive with the window down?
Driving in your car with the windows down might provide some benefit, but we recommend 45 minutes
to 1 hour of exposure to blue light between 7am to 11am outside, with no glasses or contacts covering
your eyes.
Do I still get the benefits of morning light if it is overcast?
Yes, the blue light penetrates through the clouds.
If I already sleep well, do I still need the morning light?
Yes. Although you may be sleeping through the night, your sleep may not necessarily be deep or
restful sleep. Morning light will help regulate your sleep-wake cycle and improve the quality of your
Why is sleep important, especially between 10pm-2am?
People are in their deepest sleep in the earlier parts of the night. Deep sleep allows your body to
regenerate, and allows the brain to rest and recharge. If your brain does not get sufficient rest, it will
not function optimally. Maintaining healthy sleep habits plays an important role in obtaining the best
results from MeRT treatment.
How does morning light help me?
Exposure to morning blue light (450-500 nm) regulates your circadian rhythm by suppressing
melatonin to keep you alert and awake during the day, and releasing melatonin at night to help you
sleep well. Blue light exposure from electronic gadgets after sunset delays the release of melatonin
which is counterproductive to obtaining quality sleep. It is highly recommended to limit the use of
electronic devices 1-2 hours prior to bedtime.
Is it common to become more emotional after initial MeRT treatments?
Some patients report a re-discovery or awareness of emotions after initial MeRT treatments.
Will MeRT treatment affect my appetite?
A change in appetite might be noticed as a byproduct of decreased anxiety or increased energy level
and motivation.
Why is it important to eat after a MeRT treatment session?
You should eat a healthy snack soon after a MeRT session in order to replenish your body’s glucose
storage that may be decreased during the treatment session. This is especially important if you feel
light-headed or tired after treatment.
Can I wear eyeglasses, earrings, jewelry, or hearing aids during MeRT treatment?
It is not necessary to remove eyeglasses, earrings, or jewelry. But it is recommended to remove
hearing aids during treatment.
Should I be concerned if I have a pacemaker?
Notify the clinician if you have a pacemaker or other internal electric device during your intake session.
Pacemakers are a contraindication and will not be able to proceed with treatment.
Should I continue other medical or therapeutic treatments and activities while receiving
MeRT treatment?
We do not advise making any changes to your normal routine without first seeking the guidance and
direction of your primary medical provider.
Should I be concerned about medications I am taking?
During your intake appointment, disclose all medications you are currently taking. Your clinician will
address any and all questions regarding medications.
Does my child still get the benefits of MeRT treatment if he does not close his eyes?
Yes, the treatment will still be effective with eyes open but to maximize the effects we recommend
that patients close their eyes during the MeRT treatment stimulation (5 second periods).
Why do I have to keep my eyes closed during MeRT treatment stimulation?
The treatment is most effective when the individual’s brain is in a calm awake state, without receiving
and processing too much information. Thus the treatment should be administered in a quiet room
(reduced auditory input) with the patient sitting awake in a chair with his/her eyes closed (reduced
visual info) during the MeRT treatment stimulation (5 second periods).
Why is my protocol different from other patients’?
Since each brain is unique, the MeRT treatment protocol will be different for each patient as it is based
on the individual’s own EEG/ECG data.
Why did my MeRT treatment protocol change?
Protocol adjustments are implemented based on changes in your EEGs and clinical symptoms.
Why is it sometimes recommended to take a break from MeRT treatment?
A patient’s response to therapy sometimes plateaus even though the brain has not yet reached its
optimal state. The patient may be advised to take a break from treatment. During this time the brain
may be able to improve its plasticity or ability to change for future MeRT treatment.
Will missing one MeRT treatment affect my results?
Consistency of treatment is important, especially during the first assessment week of treatment.
However, outside of the assessment period, missing one day of treatment should not affect overall
How long will the effects of MeRT treatment last?
Results can vary per individual. In general, the longer the length of treatment, the longer the changes
remain, especially if receiving treatment for greater than one month. If a reduction in positive gains are
noted after leaving BTC, patients may return for additional treatment.
What is the success rate with MeRT treatment for different diagnoses treated?
Preliminary results suggest that 40 to 60 % of patients with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) show a significant clinical response, defined as 30% or greater reduction in CARS scores, after
10 weeks of treatment.
For patients with a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), preliminary results suggest that over
60% of patients show significant reduction in the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist –
Military version (PCL-M) scores, after 4 weeks of treatment.
For how long should I receive MeRT treatment to achieve the best results?
We recommend at least one month of treatment (20 MeRT treatment sessions) after the assessment
period. However, overall duration of treatment is based on an individual’s response rate. Length of
treatment will be decided by the clinician and patient after reviewing clinical and EEG changes.
How soon after I start MeRT treatment should I expect to see a response?
Every individual’s response to treatment is different. However, some response is typically observed
during the assessment week.
What are the side effects of the treatment?
From our current data side effects are few and generally mild. The most commonly reported side effect
is a mild tension headache at the site of stimulation, which can last 1-2 hours and responds well to
over-the-counter analgesics. Other possible side effects are hyperactivity, increased agitation, or
euphoria. With brain stimulation there is also a risk of seizures; however the risk is minimal with MeRT
treatment. At the Brain Treatment Center we also limit the intensity of stimulation to further reduce
any possible risk of seizure activity.
What takes place during a typical MeRT treatment session?
Cortical MeRT treatment delivers magnetic pulses to specifically targeted areas of the brain. A typical
appointment of MeRT consists of 36 to 64 trains (depending on location) electromagnetic stimulation
delivered for 5 seconds each with 28-45 seconds of rest period in between trains to a specific location
on the head. The session lasts approximately 30-35 minutes.
What benefits may result from MeRT treatment?
Functional recovery is the primary objective of treatment.Results are individual in nature, depending
on the initial presenting symptoms.